We know you have questions and we’re here to help.

  • Fascia is a continuous network of connective tissue that connects and supports the musculoskeletal system, forms the structure and contour of the body and surrounds all of the muscle fibers, organs, nerves and blood vessels of the body from head to toe without interruption.

    Healthy fascia is loose, fluid and elastic allowing movement with little or no resistance. Trauma, overuse, dehydration and lack of movement due to sedentary lifestyle or compensation to injury can cause fascia to become tight, rigid and less flexible forming adhesions or "knots."

    This fascial tension or adhesion limits movement, creates structural imbalance and also cuts off local blood and lymphatic circulation.

  • There are many popular modalities of therapeutic massage and bodywork. For example, most Spa massage is fairly light and designed to relax you - the results of which you may feel for several hours to a day. Other types involve medium to deep bodywork, but are only regional in focus, providing temporary relief of specific complaints.

    St. Louis Institute for Rehabilitative and Sports Massage offers a synergistic, global approach combining five primary modalities - Myofascial Integration, Structural Integrative Therapy, Active Isolated Stretching, CranioSacral Therapy and Graston Technique including Sound Assisted Soft-Tissue Mobilization.

    Our goal is neither relaxation nor temporary relief. The goal is to help your body work at an optimal level by releasing connective tissues throughout your body to achieve structural alignment, increase range of motion, improve posture, and ultimately decrease regional pain and promote optimal rehabilitation from injury. Clients typically experience dramatic changes in their bodies after the third or fourth session that provides long lasting to permanent results.

  • Upon arriving at the first appointment, you will be asked to complete a health history form to help us make sure you do not have any conditions that could present a health risk. Then, your therapist will meet with you to discuss your needs and goals; to set clear expectations; and to determine a game plan or combination of modalities to most effectively address your situation.

    You will be asked to lie on a comfortable table and adjust your positioning as needed throughout the session. Our approach and the modalities that we use require our clients to actively participate in each session by performing precise movements or stretches and by assessing changes in your body throughout the session. Therefore, unlike many massage therapists, we provide a tank top for you to wear, and ask that you bring and wear loose fitting shorts.

    You can anticipate that each session will last approximately two hours.

  • Initially, our therapists use a combination of strokes and techniques to slowly and gently stretch and open your body's fascia. This creates a heating effect (thixotropy) on the superficial layers of tissue, which allows your therapist to gradually work on deeper tissues.

    Depending on the condition of, and intensity of the restrictions within, your fascia and muscular system, your experience can range from simply feeling pressure to having temporary discomfort as restrictions are released and your tissues are stretched, lengthened and repositioned.

    Each person is different and responds differently to treatment. While discomfort is certainly normal, sharp pain is not acceptable. Do not hesitate to ask questions or mention if you feel too much discomfort so your therapist can use another approach or technique if necessary to achieve the desired results.

  • Most clients experience an immediate improvement in their structural balance and increase in their range of motion. Since toxins are released from your soft tissues during bodywork, we recommend that you drink plenty of water following each session.

    The days following a session, you may experience soreness in areas that received more attention; however, it should be equivalent to the soreness you would experience after a good workout and will subside within a few day

  • We accept cash, checks and major credit cards for services provided. Gift certificates are available and can be purchased at our office.

    If you must cancel your appointment, please contact us at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled time. If you fail to cancel or arrive for your appointment, you will be required to pay for the session.

    Late arrivals cannot receive an extension of their scheduled time.


If you have any other questions, you can always contact us.